Greyhound Skill Crane Manual Piping

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I recently purchased a greyhound skill crane and I'm having a little problem getting it to work. I have been tinkering with it for over a week know and have made a lot of progress but the claw wont come down. It moves left and right forward and backwards but when i press the purtty red button the disply turns to 88s and nothing happens. I love arcade machines and repairing them is a hobby of mine but that doesn't mean I know what I'm doing. I pretty much just fiddle with things tell they go my way. If anyone could help locate the cause of the problem (in the simplest terms) I would greatly appreciate it. The score board has two little number screens attached to the same console thingy, each of which has 2 digits.

I can see any switches on the inside except the main power switch. It appears to be newer than i original thought because it appears to have a place where a bill reader used to be. I assumed it was old judging mainly by its piss poor condition. I intend on fixing op the outer wood after I get the machine operational. I don't think it was a candy machine because it has the three claws as apposed to the bucket type claw I see on the candy machines. If it would help I can take pictures of the machine if that would help.

I greatly appreciate all the responses.javascript:replaceText('%20:burgerking:',%20document.forms.postmodify.message). Yes from what I can tell they look the same, but I will check it again when i go back out to the garage later. The box I have is grey though and mine is a lot more dirty, and in general piss poor condition. Thats actually the reason I purchased it.

It might sound stupid but I didn't think an arcade machine should go out sitting in a moldy storage room. I felt it deserved better. I want to get it working again regardless of the time it will take me to do so. Even if I have to replace every damn bolt in it. Something I would like to point out is that I was told it should self test when I turn it on but all it does is go to home.

From what you've described. It's doing what it should do as far as the usual 'self-test' by just turning it on.It's more of a software test, hence the version and date code stuff showing up.And if the carriage is out of place it'll go to home position.If everything is set and good you won't actually see it do much.But. There are dipswitch tests you can run it through manually.

Greyhound skill crane parts

Including a more thorough self-test that will actually run the entire carriage and claw through it's paces and also individual switch tests. The individual switch test requires that you be able to make out the digital display fairly well though, so get used to reading it. (especially if yours is damaged)The initial digits you are seeing are the software version and the date codes.example - (0602) (1987)Then it goes into attract mode 00 00 flashing back and forth.If it does NOT go to the flashing back and forth 00's then it should display an error code.example - 88 01 or 99 01 or 99 11 or 11 11, etcDipswitch 8 activates the test need to use dipswitches 1-4 to activate each 'individual'test mode.Turn OFF machine.Turn ALL dipswitches OFF except number 8.Turn machine ONNow turn on dips 1-4 (one at a time only) to activate each individualtest mode.1. Display test (cycles the two digits in each display)2.

Greyhound Skill Crane Parts


Switch input test (each switch will display a digit if workingcorrectly)3. Auto Bridge test (cycles the entire bridge side to side back andforth and drops/raises claw))4.

Greyhound Skill Crane Manual Piping Training

Sound test (will play each attract tune and the WIN tune)You do not have to turn the machine back off in between tests, just turn the test on or off as needed, but one at a time.When done. Turn dipswitch 8 back to OFF and restart machine.I suggest running through the switch tests and bridge test.The display test should help you know which segments on each display are working or not.Yours may or may not have the sound option.